Sinclair’s Bay Connections Project
- To better connect the Sinclair’s Bay community via development/improvement of paths/networks;
- To establish and foster a Sinclair’s Bay identity in the community across the area.
2021-2022 Projects
- Community Consultation – COMPLETE
- Establish Social Media presence – COMPLETE
- Develop SBT website – ONGOING
- Community events/competitions –
- Pumpkin Trail – Oct 2020;
- #lightupsinclairsbay campaign – Nov/Dec 2020.
2021-2022 Projects
- Project 1: PATHS – Phase 1: Develop path network from Sinclair Girnigoe Castle to Ackergill
- Project 2: VILLAGE SIGNAGE – Source consistent “Sinclair’s Bay” signage for the larger villages in the community (Staxigoe, Papigoe, Ackergill, Reiss & Keiss).
- Project 3: NEWSLETTER – Develop a Sinclair’s Bay Trust Newsletter and distribute throughout the community
- Project 4: COMMUNITY INCLUSION – Finalise SBT website; Secure “membership” via website; Consult and include the community; run fundraisers and competitions which connect the community.
- “Sinclair’s Bay : My Home” Competition – Apr 2021
Sinclair’s Bay Connections Project